[Archives] The awesome story of Giku and the Kebab

from the Archives

The story starts as any totally awesome story does:  saying ‘yes’  to a lunch invitation and to the promise of interesting stories.

There are 3 things that I know for sure about a cyclist and that are relevant to this story: 1. They love their bikes 2. They love to talk about their bikes 3. They love to talk about their bikes with other people that have bikes.

So there is basically it is not at all surprising why Giku,  as he was cycling through the center of Chisinau, started a conversation with a pretty tired cycler-tourist. Other things that may have played a role are that he had lots of heavy bags, disoriented eyes and a dirty bike –  which could only mean one thing :  the guy obviously had lots of interesting stuff to share. And what does one do, in such situations? Of course, one takes the tourist home, and then, the next day, one displays the tourist to the coworkers!

As i later learned, Tobias is a young apprentice, with a great idea, lots of courage, a good bike and loads of free time on his hands. He has cycled out of Germany, into the Czech Republic ( where the landscape was not too kind on him), all the way to Poland ( where he met lots of interesting people) and into Ukraine ( where he managed to have a taste of eastern European partying) and then straight into Moldova. It had taken him 3 weeks to get to Chisinau- with long stops for beer and naps, as he put it. And it might take him just as much time to get to his final destination country :  Kyrgyzstan.

After having had lunch at the canteen of choice, we said our goodbyes and I wished him well.  Who knows,  I said, maybe we will meet again sometime.  And meet again/bump into eachother we did, that evening, outside my house, just as they were heading out for a beer. I joined them for laughs, beer, and a good time, which was topped by the moment when I said: Tobias, you have to try the Joc  icecream!

For those that do not know, the Joc ice-cream is iconic due to the fact that the ratio of price/taste tends to zero. Rapidly. Its price did not change much ever since I can remember myself eating it, and yes, it is one of the few ice-creams that has maintained its taste over the years. So every time I have a bite of Joc, I see myself in the blue shirt+skirt combo that I wore so much when I was young.


P.S. When asked why EuroTrip, and why Eastern Europe instead of a more civilized and cyclist friendly Western Europe, Tobias had to admit that yes, there was a girl involved. So yes, cherchez le femme :)

archive ends here

aaaaand yes, there is a photo on his facebook :)

so judging by it, we ditched the Joc  and and had something instead … or in addition :)

timestamp : 13-Aug-2014

Giku and Tobias_n





TED: My year reading a book from every country in the world | Ann Morgan

Enjoyed this talk here, and it reminded me why reading is the best :)



Then i turned a few pages on the blog, too (https://ayearofreadingtheworld.com) , as i was curious what books she found from Moldova/ Romania –  and no, i have not read any of the ones mentioned. Oh well.

And even if the challenge is over, here goes.

From Moldova /  Romania, the nominees are :

  • Cel mai iubit dintre pământeni / The Most Beloved of Earthlings  –  by Marin Preda  
  • Ion – by Liviu Rebreanu
  • Patul lui Procust / Procrustes’s Bed –  by Camil Petrescu
  • Ultima noapte de dragoste, Prima noapte de razboi  / The Last Night of Love, The First Night of War – by Camil Petrescu
  • Nunta din cer /  Marriage in Heaven-  by Mircea Eliade

P.S and i am currently reading one of the books from the list from Russia, but then again, i was sure it would be on the list : Mikhail Bulgakov The Master and Margarita. Still 50% to go, so given that i am reading it in original, wish me luck :)