It’s only day 4??? [Day4]

Today i wasn’t hungry, so i must have done something right, right?

At the end of the day, i had no calories left to consume, and that’s how it’s supposed to be, right? Eating full meals and some intermediate snacks – fruits – in between, is healthy, right?

Ohh but the cravings, now that it’s Friday night :)

Of course, today i walked quite a bit, also with some elevation, and i also did my morning yoga. That amounted to some ‘earned’ calories, but i don’t feel right using them. The mighty Google also says this, you are not supposed to consume the extra ‘calories’ from workouts, if your goal is to lose weight. Unless you are really hungry – being hungry is bad.

Well, i don’t think I’m hungry. I just really want to snack on some cheese and crackers while i have a glass of wine.

What was that i said before about not giving up the small pleasures of life?

Oh well, next time i guess I’ll have to plan for the wine/cheese/crackers calories up front.

Oh you buckwheat, it’s all your fault! (335 calories per 100g)

Ok, it’s not THAT bad [day3]

The challenge of all meals today was to accurately count the calories. I’m either cooking for 2 or for 3, but i estimated as best i could. The big shock was that mozzarella has so many calories, 4 slices is 450 cal!

Oh, and i need to buy a kitchen scale.

I was kinda hungry all throughout the day. Maybe this calorie restriction is just starting to settle in. I calculated how many almonds i can have as a snack, and that ended up with my toddler following me asking if he could have some. Nope , these are mine! I’ll get you your own…

Overall I’m still optimistic, and even though physically i have less energy and yes, i think about food a lot more, psychologically i actually feel better. I am a lot more motivated to do stuff, especially in the evening, now that snacking in bed is off the table … and off the bed 😅

I think i can do this [day 2]

Oh yes, there was another time when i was thin-ish/ thin-er than expected.

In my 1st trimester i lost 4kg (9 lbs) due to nausea. And for the rest of the pregnancy i thought i ate normally, but overall, on the last day of my pregnancy i had only gained 4kg from my initial weight -which was never documented, as i started prenatal care around 12 weeks, and i was already thin by then – or 8 kg (18 lbs) total.

so now i weigh more than i did 3 years ago, while carrying a 4.250 g (9.36lbs) pound baby.

But no, nothing happened specifically, i was always aware of that. it was just a wake-up call coming from nowhere… or everywhere. It is time. It is finally time.

It always seemed that counting calories is too difficult. on top of all that one must keep in mind, having that extra burden seemed like too much. But now it doesn’t seem like it’s an impossible feat – checking the calories on foods, entering everything into an app, calculating how much of x and y to eat. of course, this is only day 2.

this now feels like a project, like an investment in myself. i need to be doing more of that for sure – motherhood and homemaking can easily cause one to forget about oneself. and this is something i do for myself. for my body. As the movie quote goes:

Take care of your body. You will be together a long time” [Death becomes her]

Well, for sure not as long as in the movie, duh, but that is a pretty good line and a pretty good motivational quote.

It is easy to fall into the pit of ‘going hungry’. For example, the app tells me i am supposed to eat around 1800 calories a day. I also input my yoga and walks, and today, that accounted for a -1000 calories deficit. And eating late in bed kinda seems like cheating when you are on a diet right? And i doubt moving to eat in the kitchen will feel any different.

Still, after some research i convinced myself that yes, i need to go to at least around 1800 if i want to lose weight steadily and healthily. and starving yourself in the 1st week can not only slow your metabolism and make you gain weight, but it can also ruin your motivation.

‘I’ve started my diet one week ago. So far i’ve lost 7 days’

So i guess this thing that i am doing is not actually a diet. I am just supposed to watch how many calories i intake, and along the way, now that the app is installed, why not, try to follow the advice it gives about nutritional values. This is not supposed to make me stop drinking coffee with milk or having a chocolate cookie. It is not supposed to rob me of my small pleasures in life. Or at least i hope not.

Life is too short to be on a diet. Not sure who said it, but i’ve been saying it a while.

I’ve also been saying that life is too short to wear boring clothes, and here i am, wearing the same sweatpants everyday 😅

It’s time (again)

it was a joke, something like ‘to all students out there, it’s ok if you start studying at an odd hour, like 5.37’.

and here i am, starting a diet on Tuesday, March 21.

i was never thin. or at least i never thought i was, even when i was. so i guess the correct statement is ‘i was never thin enough… for myself.”

however now, i’m ready.

nothing happpened. i looked at myself in the mirror like i always do. i try to eat healthy and i don’t have major health issues. nobody said anything. my husband doesn’t seem to mind. actually, he enjoys the late night snacks in bed.

well, now those will have to go.

i guess i am finally ready. i never actually followed a diet. there was a time when i was so busy that i just ate very little. and also a time when i did not really know what and where to eat and so most of the times i just didn’t. those are the times when i was the thinnest.

then there were the times when i would eat anything but i would be very active so my weight was in line.

all of those times, i was single.

now, married and with 1 toddler, i have a few extra kilos. not a lot, but it depends what ‘a lot’ is 

So anyway, wish me luck.

Starting weight: 74kg / 163.2 lbs

Height: 1.71 cm / 5’7

Installed app: yes

Counted calories: yes

Optimistic? yes

why you can’t both have the cake and eat it

Why it’s nice to be pregnant the same time as your friends: you both talk about kicks and late-night heartburns, rather than one talking about medical appointments while the other shares their latest rock concert experience …

but i myself wanted a baby so let’s pull through all the stuff i used to be able to do and now i can’t. after all, the list of the ‘no-no’ things will only grow longer as i go, so might as well get used to it.

everyone who wants/has kids has to go through this sooner or later. on one side, when you do this later you have already experienced quite a lot and it’s ok to slow down for a while. but on the other side, you know exactly what you’re missing.

it’s easier for guys. for starters, they don’t have to carry lots of extra weight around…. both on their feet and on their minds. (about the struggles of a soon to be mom in this information saturation era later)


better late than never

it’s a bit late (no intended associacion with the usual pun about pregnancy and being late) in the pregnancy to start doing this – going strong on 32 weeks – but better late than never, right?

i’ve been thinking about this for a while now – reviving the blog, starting to share things not necessarily for others to see but mostly for me to get them out-  yea, more about getting things out of me later :D – but i guess today was the day when i realized that it’s time.

it’s time to embrace the fact that I AM PREGNANT and there is a baby coming in 60 days or less. but who’s counting?

P.S the title also seems a bit of a pun :D late, pregnancy, better late to have kids than never… you get it.