Being different, feeling different, seen different

I was watching America’s got talent and a guy came on stage… he was all dressed in black,he had long black hair,eyes darkened with makeup and weird blue contacts. .. he said that he has always been rejected/felt like a reject, so it made me think. … is he rejected due to his look, or did he choose the look as a result of being rejected? This way he can say to himself that his look is the reason he is rejected, which is a somewhat easier thing to accept than thinking that you’re an outcast just because you really cannot fit in, that nobody can love you and be around you… looking different than the rest of the society offers the feeling of choice: it I who chose to be different, I know I do not fit in and I don’t want to.

So bottom line: is choosing to look so different actually a way of protection? Is the “flashy” actually screaming “insecurity”?

And here is the video, enjoy :)

Just another afternoon

It was a after a while that i realized that it was way too quiet around me. So i  raise my eyes only to discover that i am the only person in the huge common office space of the Blue Company HQ, in this loud/lots of coffee breaks/gestures with words  country. I glance at the watch – of course, no surprise there: it is a bit after 1 pm.

All Italians eat at 1 pm. Max 15 minutes delay.

And so, just as easy as clicking my status as “Away” in the corporate messenger, i went to lunch too. Work was going to be there when i got back.

I should share more on FB

What is sharing?

Telling other people things you yourself find interesting.

I personally rarely  post anything on FB, i rather share in skype, with my friends.

Why am I checking the news feed on FB, daily? I do not read as many news as i do FB statuses/shares/updates?

To see what interesting things others have shared

Why am I not sharing anything?

It feels like I am after the likes.

Am I checking the likes, after I post something?


Do they make me feel better?


Is that why I am posting?


Then why am I not posting on FB?

I should share more on FB.